Sunday, August 2, 2009

Get To Know Me

Full Name: Lisa Larkin
Single or Taken: Taken
Sex: female
Birthday: January 20
Sign: Aquarius or capricorn..depends who you ask
Siblings: lots
Eye colour: blue
Shoe size: 7
Height: 5'4
Country born: US
Innie or Outie: innie
What are you wearing right now: workout pants, t-shirt, and barefoot
Where do you live: Illinois
Righty or lefty: both
Any pets: dog, bird
Where do you work?: stay-at-home Mom for now
How much time do you spend on Facebook a day?: Most of the is my way of keeping in touch with those I love
Do you own a cell phone?: yes, don't use it much
Do you like to text?: not really
Play an instrument?: Djembe drum and snare drum
Have any Tattoos?: not at all
What are your fears: Being lonely, heights, and not being able to help provide for those I love
Who are your best friends: Will, Johannes, Stephanie, and Claire
Best place to go for a date: the beach, woods, anywhere my love is
Longest relationship: over 15 years
Shortest relationship: 3 dates
Outgoing or introverted?: depends on the company
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?: definitely
How many gf/bf have told you they love you?: most of them
Have you ever thought you were going to marry someone?: yes
Are you crushin' on someone?: yes
Are you happier single or in a relationship?: relationship..i love to share things with someone special
Have you ever been cheated on?: no
Have yo uever been with someone who was taken at the time?: yes
Have you ever had your heart broken?: yes
Have you ever broken someones heart?: no, been the one getting dumped
Do you talk to any of your ex's?: no, but wouldn't mind
Do you believe that you are a good bf/gf?: yes
Have you dated people who were not good for you?: once, I learn from my mistakes very quickly
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?: no, seen it happen to family..won't repeat their mistakes
Have you ever dated someone older than you?: yes
How about younger than you?: yes
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?: always
Believe in love at first sight?: I didn't used to until I met Will
Ever been given an engagement ring?: yes
Do you want to get married?: again and again to the same man, yes
Ever stolen someone's bf or gf?: yes, but didn't know it at the time
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?: it feels like a slow dying
Favorite kind of pants: blue denim jeans or sweat pants
Favorite Number: 24
Animal: dogs and river otters
Drink: sweet iced tea
Sport: tennis
Fast-Food Place: Portillo's
Band: Dido or Frank Sinatra..depends on mood
Movie: Under the Tuscan Sun or Happy-go-lucky
Breakfast: Banana pancakes, veggie sausage, skim milk
Perfume: Japanese cherry blossom
Cologne: Stetson
Favourite cartoon character: Woody woodpecker
Color: blue, yellow or green
Food: boca burger
Ice Cream?: mint chocolate chip
Shoes: hiking boots
Place to relax: in the woods
Magazine: Dwell magazine or National Geographic
Person to hang out with: Any of my close friends
Place to go on the weekends: forest preserve or the theater
Thing to wear to bed: nekked or a long t-shirt in winter
Time to shower: mid morning
TV show: don't watch much anymore
Season: summer
Holiday: birthdays
Smell: flowers of all kinds
Perfume/cologne: stetson cologne
Memory: The first night Will and I got to know one another and decided we wanted to marry
Have You Ever
Given anyone a bath: yep
Smoked: once, hated it
Bungee Jumped: never
Gone skinny dipping: many times
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: eww, no
Broken a bone: no
Played truth or dare: a few times
Been in a physical fight: many times
Been in a police car: many times
Been in a sauna: yep
Been in a hot tub: yep and miss that!
Fallen asleep in school: yep, but will never admit it. too late!
Ran away: yep
Broken someone's heart: sad to say, yes
Cried when someone died: yes
Flashed someone: yeppers
Cried in school: yep..mean girls
Fell off your chair: LOL uh, not going to admit that
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: a few lonely
Saved MSN conversations: nope
Saved e-mails: yep
Made out with just a friend: yep
Used someone: no
Been cheated on?: no
Done something you regret?: yes
Stolen Anything: yes, many times when I was younger and stupid
Been drunk before noon: never been drunk
Had sex in a public place: yes, but won't say where or with whom unless you torture me lol
Got caught telling a lie: isn't that how people know you are lying?
Got a speeding ticket?: never..old granny here. I stick to the sidewalks
Littered?: no, it is a pet peeve of mine
Fantasized about a co-worker?: yes
Cheated on a test: yes
Cheated in a relationship?: nope
Failed a class?: yes but made up for it
Screened your phone calls?: many times
Eaten food off the floor?: yes when hungry
Cried during a movie: many times..big crier here. I cry during happy stuff too sometimes lol
Had a one night stand: a few times
What is
Your good luck charm: My karma
Best song you ever heard: What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Hurt someone's feelings when he asked me out
What's your room like: a lot of books and drums and kinda messy today
Last thing you said: stop arguing and throwing tantrums! (to the kids)
What is beside you: my Ipod and an end table
What shampoo do you use: whatever one I feel like
Something that has happened to you this year: found some of my closest friends and discovered how very loved I am
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Not as healthy as I would like to be..working on that
Your body type? : not my type
Your skin tone?: fair and nice
Your most missed memory: I would love to go back to some of the conversations I used to have with GG.
the first thing that comes to mind whhen you hear: Blue?: the Gulf
Today's date: August 1..My dog Henri's birthday! 3 years old! Woo hoo!
What is the best grade you've ever gotten on an essay: A+
Your biggest fear?: being lonely
Your happiest moment?: Holding Finnian for the first time and watching the sunlight forming a halo around his head..beautiful
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000?: no animals
Would you go to a Manson concert if you had a free ticket?: no, would sell it for money, though
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with : My family and closest friends
If you loved someone and you were keeping something from them an: I don't keep secrets that would hurt someone unless it would hurt more to tell them
Do you admire anyone?: yes, I admire many people for being stronger than me and having more faith in themselves
Who is the last person that called you: no one calls me
Who was the last person you slow danced with: Will ( but that was a long time ago)
What makes you laugh the most: Will making fun of me
What makes you smile: hiking through the woods
Do you like filling these out: somewhat
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: no
Do you like yourself: yes, I do
Do you get along with your family: only my immediate family and Will's family
Do you have piercings below the waist: no
Have you stolen anything over $30?: a few times when much younger
Are you obsessive?: depends upon what
Are you compulsive?: sometimes
Want to have children?: little ankle biters..of course
Do you like mornings?: not really unless there is a beautiful sunrise
Do you enjoy seafood?: very much
What are you listening to right now: my kids playing in the other room and birds chirping outside
What makes you happy: My dearest friends and immediate family
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you chan: I would like to be stronger, kinder, and more compassionate
Good driver: yes
Good dancer: only in my fantasies
Good Singer: same as question before, though others say I am pretty good
Have a lava lamp: not anymore
How many remote controls are in your house: 5 but only use 2
Are you double jointed: used to be
What do you dream about: my dearest
Last time you showered: yesterday..was feeling lazy today
The last movie you saw at the theatres: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Scary or happy movies: I like happy ones more
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: root beer
Vanilla or chocolate: swirl
Summer or winter: summer
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset is my favorite time of day..i love watching for the stars
Phone or in person: in person.hate talking on phones
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: middle
Describe Yourself In One Word: compassionate
What's your biggest fear?: being lonely
What's your biggest mistake?: burning a bridge that should have remained
Your proudest accomplishment: my children
#1 Priority in your life: my children
Dream job: working from home in my own business
Where are you right now?: Illinois in the US
Where would you rather be?: with my best friends who live in other countries
Famous person you'd like to meet: Robin Williams
Place to visit before you die: I always dreamed of seeing Machu Picchu
Song to be played at your funeral: don't want a funeral, but if had to choose...then " What a Wonderful World"

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